Category: Species of Concern

  • Launched!


    Celebration! It was a terrific afternoon and early evening with many participants and helpers, good food from HoneyBeeFed, a gorgeously artistic arrangement of the appetizers table, and the inky-colored Inkling cocktail served in Wild Ink logo glasses, and wine from Cardinal Point. Art and Natural History Display I was lucky to have an artist and…

  • Red Eft

    Red Eft

    Species of Concern August/September 2024 Newt or Salamander? Here’s an eft I recently saw sauntering nonchalantly along the trail. You can often spot them in the leaf litter on the forest floor, standing out brightly. I’ve been told “It’s really a newt.” But some say with confidence, “No, it’s a salamander.” Which is it? Both …

  • Wood Thrush

    Have you had the luck to hear the flute-like, melodic song of our own Wood Thrush, a bird of the deep woods in the Eastern US? I was already planning to write this month’s Species of Concern piece about the Wood Thrush when I came across a film, The Nightingale’s Song, part of a series…

  • Ghost Pipe

    Species of Concern June 2024. If you venture out into the woods now in Central Virginia, you’ll find these lovely flowers in the family Ericaceae (heaths) nosing up from the leaf-meal. In anticipation of the publication of my first full-length poetry collection, Species of Concern, I continue my focus on Eastern US native flora and…